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Started by Zythalopagus



Owner Member

ZythMC Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions, all answered here! This will get updated regularly, so be sure to check before asking a question about something.


Q: How do I appeal a punishment?

A: You can appeal a punishment at zyth.me/appeal


Q: Can I apply for staff?

A: You can apply at zyth.me/apply


Q: What game mode will be added next?

A: Rimm is working on Kit, so I suppose that will be the next game mode added.


Q: How are suggestions handled?

A: When the suggestion gets looked at by a Staff member, the Staff team discusses whether or not to add that suggestion, depending on difficulty to add, reasonableness, etc. If it is to be added, the status is changed to 'In Progress' until it is finished, at which it will be changed to 'Complete'. If it is not to be added, it is simply changed to 'Closed'


Q: Why have a Discord and a forum? Wouldn't it be harder to moderate and manage?

A: First off, it is harder to moderate and manage. But we've done this so that users who cannot use Discord can still have a way to interact with the community. So yeah.


Q: How do I submit a suggestion?

A: Head over to zyth.me/suggestions, then click on 'New Suggestion' and fill that out.


Zythalopagus · about 1 year ago · Last edited: about 1 year ago